「FesLab-地域のクリエイティビティを可視化するための試み」 FesLab代表 柿崎慎也
"FesLab – An approach to visualize local creativity Director of FesLab"; Shinya Kakizaki



Q:Tell us about your current activities.

Kakizaki: FesLab is one of the research groups which was subsidized by the Sendai Creative Cluster Consortium in 2008. FesLab means the Creative Urban Festival Research Laboratory. In this depopulating society, consumer behavior is now about to change significantly toward a “creative” lifestyle, which attaches importance to added values, such as focus on designs or high-mix low-volume production. It can be said that we are now in a transition period. When you think about “creative industry”, design, digital-contents, architecture and audio-visual production come to mind. FesLab organizes events for people who are in those creative industries or willing to work in those creative industries to promote their activities inside and outside Japan.
As a result of forming direct networks between cities and regions inside and outside of Japan and Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture and Tohoku region, we aim to achieve several things: Integrated creative industries, a positive tourism effect from participating in festivals as well as developing new technologies and new products by merging art and design fields with universities.



Q: The meaning of “creative” is quite vague, isn’t it? When you translate it into Japanese, no word really fits the meaning. Since it is not clear how many creative industries there are in Sendai, Miyagi or Tohoku, are they actually going to be stimulated as a result of this?

Kakizaki: It is very important to think about that. It is true that the word “creative” doesn’t actually strike people. I wonder what the reason for this is. I think one of the reasons is that in the industries we call “creative industry”, especially in the local region, companies or individuals mostly see themselves in a role of just accommodating client orders. This might be because of structural problems that the creative industries have today, like depending of their client’s initiative, but this positioning creates the twisted image of the word “creative”. The “creative industry” fundamentally has to be driven by a need for self-invention which creates higher value.



Q:I see. Then how do you use the word “creative” in your FesLab activities?

Kakizaki: The definitions of “creative” in FesLab are not only advertising or commercial objectives. This means that we want to think back to the point that the fact of living is actually being creative. When you list up things you need for living, you can think of many things, but if you think you want to make each of the items better, everyone has their own preferences for sure. For example, when you think about clothing, food and housing, people prefer them in distinctive ways. However, in fact, even though these preferences seem to express highly individual values, they actually represent general basic core values. Then thinking about the “creative industry” I mentioned before, it appears in a more familiar light and you can feel, somehow, that “creativity” has more in common with any other industry; it is not restricted to only design, media, digital contents, music or architecture. It means that, I think “creativity” in all industries will advance if in each industry we rediscover creativity or start exploring a new approach or collaboration.

Q: The event occur2009 is held in Miyagi Art Museum. What does “occur” stand for in FesLab?



Q: The event occur2009 is held in Miyagi Art Museum. What does “occur” stand for in FesLab?

Kakizaki: “occur” is an all-inclusive term of festivals and events FesLab organizes. The word “occur” in Latin, originally means the river flows from its source, then the meaning shifted to “happen” or “arise” in English. Our members discussed this and named it “occur” because new creative fields from Sendai, Miyagi and Tohoku will create a new current and flow around the world. The “occur” will hold the events: "Electro-music and visual design","Symposium about technology","art and design" and "Eelectro music and visual workshops for children and young creators" throughout the year for the time being.
We aim to visualize the potential creativity in Sendai, Miyagi and Tohoku, and merge the knowledge and technology in the different fields by cooperating with universities. The occur2009 held as part of the in Miyagi Art Museum’s theme is the collaboration of motion graphics with a cognitive psychology approach, product design and electro music.



Q: occur2009 is the collaboration of visual, music, product design and cognitive psychology, so in what ways do they specifically collaborate?

Kakizaki: People who participate in occur2009 are all based in Sendai and also they have attracted worldwide attention. In fact, in the visual media interaction of wowlab, productions of TICC and sounds of antennasia, are reflected the cognitive psychology research of Asso. Prof. Kayahara from Miyagi University. This cooperative approach, reflecting the higher education institutions’ research into art, is one of the pillars for festivals and exhibitions FesLab organizes as a project of “occur”. As well as in Miyagi, there are universities which have close relations with local communities in other prefectures in Tohoku. I hope for universities to share gained from their know-how research by adding something extra, such as design and art, and we would like to be one of the local platforms where the participating artists and creators’ knowledge and technology will be merged and also accumulated. We also aim to surprise people and make them feel “There are people in our city who can actually do such interesting and amazing things!”, and hope this will motivate young people.


柿崎:FesLabは、一応Festival Laboratoryの略で、日本語では「お祭り研究所」という何とも言えないゆるい名前になります。しかし、お祭りというのは何に意味があるかと言うと、不特定多数の人たちが出会って同じ時間を共有するところだと私は思っています。誰と出会うかわからない不確定性と何が起こるかわからない不確定性。そこで共有された体験は強い印象とともに一緒に祭りをした人たちに残ると思いますし、地元に対する連帯感や高揚感が強まったりもします。子供の頃のお祭りの思い出は大人になっても残っていますよね。ここが重要だと思います。フェスティバル、お祭りは1日か2日で終わってしまいますが、いいお祭りは心の中にずっと残るということです。occurは宗教的なお祭りではないので、祭るのはクリエイティブそのものといったこところです。最初に話した意味での生きる事に直結するクリエイティブということですが。そしてoccurの参加者も異分野から初対面同士の人たちをなるべく取り上げて、初対面同士が火花を散らして、予想もつかない創造物が生まれる現場を作り上げてくれるはずです。だから、参加者もそれまで見た事の無いものと出会うことができるという。

Q: Although this time it was only an exhibition, why does FesLab consider the “occur” festival as the main activity?

Kakizaki: FesLab is the abbreviation of “Festival Laboratory”. In Japanese, it is “Omatsuri Kenkyujo”; this has quite a bland sound. However, Omatsuri (festival) means that a large indefinite number of people get together and share the same time. You never know who you are going to meet or what is going to happen. The experiences shared with the people who were there with you would stay in their mind creating strong impressions and also the sense of community and exaltation would become stronger. You must still have memories of festivals when you were a child. I think this is a very important point. Festivals usually last a day or two, but a good festival stays in your mind forever. The “occur” is not a religious festival so the creativity itself stays in your mind. This creativity means something connected directly with living, as I mentioned before. We try to choose the participants for “occur” from different fields who have never met before. We hope they can compete with each other and elaborate the scene that creates unpredictable works. Therefore, participants can meet something new.



Q: What kind of effects or benefits do you think there are for local creators to meet people who have never met and to let them collaborate with each other?

Kakizaki: I sometimes think that creators in local areas, especially those at a higher level, are maybe isolated. There are fewer creators in a local area unlike an urban area, and they are in a competitive position, so it is probable that it must be difficult to make networks. Therefore, even though they are living in the same area, they often don’t know of each other or have never met; especially in the field of arts. In those situations, the directors and producers of “occur” organize exhibitions or live performance events and offer opportunities for the creators to get together and show their work. This will end up creating some kind of chemistry between them which would never happen between another combination of people. Of course we expect collaboration with people who act in the front lines inside and outside of Japan, not only between people from local areas. This will create a sharing of knowledge or learning from each other, and will gain results that exercises their abilities more than ever.
I was convinced that this would surely be happening in the preparation of producing occur2009. And the collaboration of creators, as I mentioned before, creates an accumulation of knowledge and technology and so might create a new technology. Furthermore, as a byproduct, there are offers of collaboration from creators inside or outside of Japan or offers from companies who experienced the exhibitions or live performance event. I think this will lead to an activation of the industrial development, tourism and independent events by the local creators as well as stimulating the city.
Now I would like to reiterate, FesLab/occur is the project to set up these frameworks.



Q: The project to set up frameworks sounds interesting. You are not doing just one-time events continuously. Well, you said you think your events have an effect on local creators’ motivation, do you think this will lead to the forming of a community for creators or activate this community? And please let us know about this community’s role in general.

Kakizaki: I would be happy if the “occur” is the trigger of a creator’s community. And it would be even better if this community is a hustle-bustle place from the fields of art and business. If the events are for any age of people to be able to participate in, it will gain a good image such that the “creative” will put their new roots down into local lives. And their role is, first of all, to make it clear where in the local area the creators are, and what kind of creator they are. To be able to see them, enables an easy connection. Even if they didn’t manage to connect, FesLab could offer some events to fuel their rivalry in a good way. It is like telling them to advance quality by competing with each other.



Q: One way how the “creative” supposed to be, is to make a local society come alive or to tell a lot of interesting stories; there are ways to create such an effect, aren’t there?

Kakizaki: Yes, certainly there are. To do so, the existence of producers or directors who can show creativity at a community level or discover the excitement, is important. As I mentioned before, there are fewer creators in a local area than an urban area; there are limitations in promoting those local creators. Of course FesLab is addressing this, but in the local area in the future, more producers and directors than creators need to be fostered. FesLab is one of the projects that educates people who participated in “occur” as a volunteer. We would like to promote people who have a vision distinct of professional curators, people who can think of creativity from its very foundation, and also can feel that it is okay just to have a light-footed idea. We bring up dozens of those people and put them in charge of discovering ideas and coordination, while FesLab takes care of the event production. Eventually, we will put the “occur” job in their hands.

Interviewed by Masahiro Kikuchi (Editor, Sendai Keizai Shinbun Inc.).